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Applied Fluid Mechanics (Mott)
Applied Strength of Materials (Mott)
Adaptive Filter Theory (Simon Haykin)
An Introduction to Database Systems (C.J. Date)
Applied Multivariate Statistical Analysis (Johnson & Wichern)
A First Course in Abstract Algebra (John B. Fraleigh)
Adaptive Control, by Astrom, Wittenmark
Advanced Modern Engineering Mathematics, by G. James
Aircraft Structures for Engineering Students (T.H.G. Megson)
Advanced calculus, by Gerald B. Folland
Antennas for All Applications (John Kraus & Ronald Marhefka)
An Introduction to the Finite Element Method (J. N. Reddy)
Advanced Fluid Mechanics (William Graebel)
A Transition to Advanced Mathematics, by Smith, Eggen, Andre
A First Course in Differential Equations, by Zill, Cullen
Applied Partial Differential Equations, by J. David Logan
Analytical Mechanics, by Fowels, Cassiday
Applied Calculus for the Managerial, Life, and Social Sciences, by Soo
T. Tan
Advanced Engineering Mathematics (Erwin Kreyszig)
Applied Numerical Methods with MATLAB for Engineers and Scientists
(Steven C. Chapra)
Analysis and Design of Analog Integrated Circuits, by Gray,Hurst,
Lewis, Meyer
Advanced Mathematical Concepts Precalculus with Applications by
Applied Statistics and Probability for Engineers (Douglas Montgomery &
George Runger)
Antenna theory, by Balanis
Automatic Control Systems, by Kuo, Golnaraghi
Accompany Futures, Options, and Swaps, Robert W. Kolb
Applied Partial Differential Equations (Haberman)
Analysis and Performance of Fiber Composites (Bhagwan Agarwal,
Lawrence Broutman & K. Chandrashekhara)
Applied Fluid Mechanics (Mott)
Applied Strength of Materials (Mott)
Adaptive Filter Theory (Simon Haykin)
An Introduction to Database Systems (C.J. Date)
Applied Multivariate Statistical Analysis (Johnson & Wichern)
A First Course in Abstract Algebra (John B. Fraleigh)
Adaptive Control, by Astrom, Wittenmark
Advanced Modern Engineering Mathematics, by G. James
Aircraft Structures for Engineering Students (T.H.G. Megson)
Advanced calculus, by Gerald B. Folland
Antennas for All Applications (John Kraus & Ronald Marhefka)
An Introduction to the Finite Element Method (J. N. Reddy)
Advanced Fluid Mechanics (William Graebel)
A Transition to Advanced Mathematics, by Smith, Eggen, Andre
A First Course in Differential Equations, by Zill, Cullen
Applied Partial Differential Equations, by J. David Logan
Analytical Mechanics, by Fowels, Cassiday
Applied Calculus for the Managerial, Life, and Social Sciences, by Soo
T. Tan
BTEC First Engineering Curriculum Support Pack (Mike Tooley)
Basic Engineering Circuit Analysis, by J. David Irwin, Nelms
Blueprint Reading for the Machine Trades (Schultz & Smith)
Building Java Programs: A Back to Basics Approach (Stuart Reges &
Martin Stepp)
Biostatistics for the Health Sciences (R. Clifford Blair & Richard
Biostatistics: How It Works (Steve Selvin)
Business Statistics: First Course (David M. Levine, Timothy C.
Krehbiel & Mark L. Berenson)
Business Statistics: Decision Making (Groebner)
Basic Business Statistics (Berenson, Krehbiel & Levine)
Beginning Algebra (John Jr Tobey & Jeffrey Slater)
Beginning Algebra: Early Graphing (Jamie Blair, John Tobey & Jeffrey
CMOS VLSI Design: A Circuits and Systems Perspective, Neil Weste,
David Harris
Calculus (Dale Varberg, Edwin Purcell & Steve Rigdon)
Calculus Early Transcendentals (Dale Varberg, Edwin Purcell & Steve
Calculus (Henry Edwards & David E. Penney)
Complex Variables with Applications (David A. Wunsch)
Corporate Finance (Jonathan Berk & Peter DeMarzo)
Cases in International Finance (Gunter Dufey & Ian H. Giddy)
Computer Networks, by Andrew S. Tanenbaum
C++ How to Program, by Harvey & Paul, Deitel & Associates
Communication Systems: An Introduction to Signals and Noise in
Electrical Communication, A. Bruce Carlson
Computational Techniques for Fluid Dynamics, by Srinivas, K. Fletcher.
Classical Dynamics of Particles and Systems, by Marion, Thornton
College Physics, by Serway, Faugh
Calculus, an Applied Approach, by Larson
Computational Techniques for Fluid Dynamics by Srinivas, Fletcher
Communication Systems (Simon Haykin)
Calculus, Single and Multivariable, by Hughes-Hallett,McCallum
Construction management, Halpin
Calculus - Early Transcendentals, by Anton, Bivens, Davis
Chemical, Biochemical, and Engineering Thermodynamics, Stanley I.
Control Systems Engineering, by Norman Nise
Computer Numerical Control: Operation and Programming (Stenerson &
Contemporary Electric Circuits: Insights and Analysis, Strangeway,
Petersen, okken
C++ Programming Today, (Barbara Johnston)
Concepts in Systems and Signals (John D. Sherrick)
Computer Organization and Architecture: Designing for Performance
(William Stallings)
Cryptography and Network Security (William Stallings)
Digital Design (M. Morris Mano & Michael D. Ciletti)
Digital & Analog Communication Systems (Leon W. Couch)
Digital Signal Processing (John G. Proakis, Dimitris K Manolakis)
Databases, Types and the Relational Model (C. J. Date & Hugh Darwen)
Discrete and Combinatorial Mathematics (Ralph P. Grimaldi)
Discrete Mathematics (John Dossey, Albert Otto, Spence & Charles
Vanden Eynden)
Differential Equations and Linear Algebra (Jerry Farlow, Hall, McDill
& West)
Differential Equations and Linear Algebra (C. Henry Edwards & David E.
Differential Equations with Boundary Value Problems (John Polking, Al
Boggess & Arnold)
Derivatives Markets (Robert L. McDonald)
Digital Communications: Fundamentals and Applications, Skylar
Digital Integrated Circuits, by Rabaey
Discrete Time Signal Processing, Oppenheim
Data and Computer Communications, by Stallings
Design of Machinery ( Norton)
Digital Communications, by Proakis
Engineering Mechanics - Statics & Dynamics (Anthony Bedford & Wallace
Engineering Mechanics: Statics & Dynamics (Hibbeler)
Electrical Engineering: Principles and Applications (Allan R. Hambley)
Electric Circuits (James W Nilsson & Susan Riedel)
Elements of Engineering Electromagnetics (Nannapaneni Narayana Rao)
Elementary Statistics Using the Graphing Calculator: For the TI-83/84
Plus (Mario F. Triola)
H. Rosen)
Elementary Differential Equations with Boundary Value Problems (Werner
E. Kohler & Lee W. Johnson)
Elementary Differential Equations Bound (Werner E. Kohler, Johnson)
Elementary Principles of Chemical Processes (Felder & Rousseau)
Economics: A Tool for Critically Understanding Society (Tom, Riddell,
Jean Shackelford, Steve C. Stamos & Geoffrey Schneider)
Economics Today, Roger LeRoy Miller
Economics, by Michael A. Leeds, Peter von Allmen, Richard C. Schiming
Economics: Private Markets and Public Choice, Ekelund, Jr., Ressler,
Economics, Michael Parkin
Environmental Economics and Policy (Tom Tietenberg)
Econometrics: A Modern Introduction (Michael P. Murray)
Engineering Materials: Properties and Selection (Budinski)
Electromagnetic Fields and Waves by Iskander
Electronics, by Allan R. Hambley
Essential Biology with Physiology, Neil A. Campbell, Jane B. Reece,
Eric J. Simon, Larry Mitchell
Essential Biology, Neil A. Campbell, Jane B. Reece, Eric J. Simon
Exploring Engineering: An Introduction for freshmen to Engineering and
to the Design Process (Philip Kosky, George Wise, Robert Balmer &
William Keat)
Engineering Materials Science, by Milton Ohring
Feedback Control of Dynamic Systems (Franklin, Powell & Emami-Naeini)
Foundations of MEMS (Chang Liu)
Fundamentals of Applied Electromagnetics (Fawwaz T. Ulaby)
First Course in Probability (Sheldon Ross)
Fundamentals of Multinational Finance (Michael H. Moffett, Arthur I.
Stonehill & David K. Eiteman)
Financial Markets and Institutions (Frederic S. Mishkin & Stanley G.
Fundamentals of Applied Electromagnetics, by Ulaby
Fundamentals of engineering thermodynamics, by David cheng
Field and Wave Electromagnetics, by David K. Cheng
Financial Reporting and Analysis, Lawrence Revsine
Fluid Mechanics (Kundu)
Flight Dynamics Principles (by Cook)
Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics of Turbomachinery (S.L. Dixon)
Fluid Mechanics (White)
Fundamentals of Structural Analysis, (Leet & Uang)
Fundamentals of Digital Logic with VHDL Design (Stephen Brown
Fundamentals of Digital Logic with Verilog Design (Stephen Brown,
Fundamentals of Aerodynamics (Anderson)
Fundamentals of Electric Circuits (Charles Alexander & Matthew Sadiku)
Fundamentals of Semiconductor Devices, by Anderson
Fluid Mechanics with Engineering Applications, by Finnemore
Gas Dynamics (John & Keith)
Geometry: An Investigative Approach (Phares G. O'Daffer & Stanley R.
Geology for Engineers and Environmental Scientists (Alan E. Kehew)
Health Economics (Charles E. Phelps)
Heat Transfer: A Practical Approach - by Cengel
How to Break Software Security (James A. Whittaker & Herbert H.
Hydrology and Floodplain Analysis (Philip Bedient, Wayne Huber &
Baxter Vieux)
Higher Engineering Mathematics (John Bird)
History of Mathematics: Brief Version (Victor J. Katz)
Introductory Mathematics (Cook)
International Economics (James Gerber)
International Economics (Steven Husted & Michael Melvin)
International Money and Finance (Michael Melvin)
Industrial Organization: Theory and Practice (Don E. Waldman &
Elizabeth J. Jensen)
Introduction to Econometrics, Brief Edition (James H. Stock & Mark W.
Introduction to Econometrics (James H. Stock & Mark W. Watson)
Introduction to Finance (Lawrence J. Gitman & Jeff Madura)
Introduction to Materials Science for Engineers (Shackelford)
Introduction to Graph Theory, by Douglas B. West
Introduction to Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics (Smith & Van Ness)
Introduction to Heat Transfer (Incropera, DeWitt)
Introduction to Electric Circuits, Dorf
Introduction to Solid State Physics, by Kittel
Introduction to Electrodynamics (David J. Griffiths)
Introduction to Quantum Mechanics (David J. Griffiths)
Introduction to Thermal Systems Engineering: Thermodynamics, Fluid
Mechanics, and Heat Transfer by Moran, Shapiro, Munson, DeWitt
Introduction to VLSI Circuits and Systems, by John P. Uyemura
Introduction to Fluid Mechanics (, Robert Fox, Alan McDonald & Philip)
Introduction to Statistical Quality Control (Douglas C. Montgomery)
Introduction to Mechanical Engineering (Rizza)
Introduction to Engineering Experimentation (Wheeler & Ganji)
Java: An Introduction to Problem Solving and Programming (Walter
Java: An Introduction to Computing (Joel Adams, Larry R. Nyhoff &
Jeffrey Nyhoff)
Java Foundations: Introduction to Program Design and Data Structures,
Lewis, DePasquale, Chase
Java Software Solutions: Foundations of Program Design (John Lewis &
William Loftus)
Java Software Structures: Designing and Using Data Structures (Lewis,
Job Hazard Analysis (James E. Roughton & Nathan Crutchfield)
Kernel Projects for Linux (Gary Nutt)
Linear Algebra with Applications (Bretscher)
Law and Economics (Robert Cooter & Thomas Ulen)
Linear Algebra, by Stephen H. Friedberg, Arnold J. Insel , Lawrence E.
Linear Algebra with Applications, by Otto Bretscher
Linear Circuit Analysis: Time Domain, Phasor and Laplace
Linear Systems and Signals, B P Lathi
LabVIEW 8 Student Edition (Bishop)
Logic and Design of Computer Programs (Jim Messinger)
Machine Design: An Integrated Approach (Norton)
Mechanics of Materials, by Russell C. Hibbeler
Modern Control Systems (Dorf)
Modern Wireless Communications (Simon Haykin, Michael Moher)
Mathematics for the Technical Trades (Cook)
Mathematical Statistics with Applications (Miller)
Macroeconomics, by Michael Leeds, Allmen, Schiming
Macroeconomics (Stephen D. Williamson)
Money, the Financial System, and the Economy (R. Glenn Hubbard)
Microeconomics: Theory and Applications with Calculus (Jeffrey M.
Modern Industrial Organization (Dennis W. Carlton & Jeffrey M.
Modern Labor Economics: Theory and Public Policy (Ronald G. Ehrenberg
& Robert S. Smith)
Market Regulation (Roger Sherman)
Mathematical Methods for Economics (Michael Klein)
Multinational Business Finance (David K. Eiteman, Arthur I. Stonehill
& Michael H. Moffett)
Mechanics of Materials: A Modern Integration of Mechanics and
Materials in Structural Design, Jenkins & Khanna)
Materials Selection in Mechanical Design (Michael Ashby)
Mechatronics: Principles and Applications (Godfrey Onwubolu)
Mechanics of Materials (Beer)
Microelectronic Circuit Design (Richard Jaeger & Travis Blalock)
Microelectronic Circuit Analysis and Design, by D. Neamen
Mechanical Engineering Design, by Mischke, Shigley
Mechanics of Fluids, Irving H. Shames
Microelectronics: Digital and Analog Circuits and Systems by Millman
Mechanics of Fluids (Massey)
MC68HC11: An Introduction: Software/Hardware Interf, by Huang
Modern Physics for Scientists and Engineers, by Stephen T. Thornton,
Andrew Rex, Andrew Rex
Mathematics for Physicists, by Susan Lea
Network Security Essentials: Applications and Standards (William
Numerical Methods Using Matlab (Mathews & Fink)
Network Flows: Theory, Algorithms, and Applications by Ravindra K.
Ahuja , Thomas L. Magnanti
Numerical Methods for Engineers (Steven C. Chapra)
Nanoengineering of Structural, Functional and Smart Materials, Mark J.
Schulz, Ajit D. Kelkar
Numerical Analysis (Timothy Sauer)
Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computation (Jeffery J. Leader)
Network Management: Principles and Practice (Mani Subramanian)
Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering, by Dunn, Constantinides &
Prabhas Moghe)
Operating System Concepts, Silberschatz, Galvin, Gagne
Objects First With Java: A Practical Introduction Using BlueJ (Barnes
& Kolling)
Object of Java, the: Introduction to Programming Using Software
Engineering Principles (David D. Riley)
Object-Oriented Programming in Java: A Graphical Approach, Preliminary
Ed.,Kathryn Sanders & Andy van Dam)
Oracle 10g Programming: A Primer (Rajshekhar Sunderraman)
Oracle 9i Programming: A Primer (Rajshekhar Sunderraman)
Operations Research: An Introduction (Taha)
Principles of Statics and Dynamics, by Russell C. Hibbeler
Probability and Statistics for Engineers (Johnson, Miller, Freund)
Partial Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems with
Fourier series (Asmar)
Precalculus: Graphical, Numerical, Algebraic (Franklin Demana, Bert K.
Waits, Gregory D. Foley & Daniel Kennedy)
Principles of Economics, Roy J. Ruffin, Paul R. Gregory
Principles of Money, Banking, and Financial Markets (Lawrence S.
Ritter, William L. Silber & Gregory F. Udell)
Public Finance and the American Economy (Neil Bruce)
Personal Finance with Financial Planning Software (Jeff Madura)
Principles of Managerial Finance Brief (Lawrence J. Gitman)
Principles of Managerial Finance, Lawrence J. Gitman)
Principles of Risk Management and Insurance (George E. Rejda)
Plastics: Materials and Processing (Strong)
Physics an Introduction, by James S. Walker
Probability and Statistical Inference (Hogg & Tanis)
Principles and Applications of Electrical Engineering (Rizzoni)
Probability Random Variables, and Stochastic Processes, by Papoulis,
Physics for Scientist and Engineers, by Serway
Power System Analysis and Design, by Glover, Sarma
Principles of Physics, by Serway
Quantum Mechanics: An Accessible Introduction (Robert Scherrer)
Quantum Physics, by Stephen Gasiorowicz
Quality (summers)
Quality Management (Goetsch & Davis)
Quality: A Corporate Force, Managing for Excellence (C. Harold Aikens)
Occupational Safety and Health for Technologists, Engineers, and
Managers (Goetsch)
Quantum Chemistry and Spectroscopy with Spartan Student Physical
Chemistry Software (Thomas Engel & Philip Reid)
Quantitive Reasoning & the Environment (Greg Langkamp & Joseph Hull)
Risk Takers: Uses and Abuses of Financial Derivatives (John
RF Circuit Design: Theory & Applications, by Bretchko, Ludwig
Reinforced Concrete Design (George F. Limbrunner & Abi Aghayere)
Reinforced Concrete: Mechanics and Design (James G. MacGregor & James
K. Wight)
Renewable Energy (Sørensen or Sorensen)
Statics and Mechanics of Materials, By Russell C. Hibbeler
Solid State Electronic Devices (Ben Streetman, Sanjay Banerjee)
Signals, Systems, and Transforms (Charles L. Phillips, John M. Parr &
Eve A. Riskin)
Semiconductor Device Fundamentals by Pierret
Signals and Systems, Oppenheim, Willsky, Hamid, Nawab
System Dynamics by Katsuhiko Ogata
Shigley's Mechanical Engineering Design (Budynas)
Semiconductor Physics and Devices (Donald A. Neamen)
Signal Processing and Linear Systems by Lathi
Statics and Mechanics of Materials: An Integrated Approach (Riley,
Sturges & Morris)
Signals and Systems (Simon Haykin & Barry Van Veen)
Semiconductor Devices: Physics and Technology (Simon M. Sze)
Separation Process Principles (Seader & Henley)
Statics and Strengths of Materials (Morrow & Kokernak)
Simply Java Programming: An Application-Driven™ Tutorial
SQL for SQL Server (Bijoy Bordoloi & Douglas B. Bock)
Simply Visual Basic 2008 (Harvey & Paul) Deitel
Simply Visual Basic .NET (Deitel & Nieto)
Science of Electronics, the: DC/AC (David M. Buchla, Thomas L. Floyd)
Science of Electronics, the: Digital (Thomas L. Floyd & David
The Economics of Macro Issues (Roger LeRoy Miller & Daniel K.
The Economics of Money, Banking and Financial Markets (Frederic S.
The Economics of Sports (Michael A. Leeds & Peter von Allmen)
Theory of Asset Pricing (George Pennacchi)
Thomas' Calculus: Multivariable, by Thomas, Weir, Hass, Giordano
Thermodynamics: An Engineering Approach (Cengel)
The Science and Engineering of Materials, by Donald R.Askeland,
Pradeep P. Phule
Thermal Physics (Ralph Baierlein)
Theory and Design for Mechanical Measurements (Figliola & Beasley)
Transport Phenomena (Bird & Stewart)
The Economics of Public Issues (Roger LeRoy Miller, Daniel K. Benjamin
& Douglass C. North)
The 8051 Microcontroller (I. Scott MacKenzie, Raphael Chung-Wei Phan)
The 8051 Microcontroller and Embedded Systems (Mazidi, Mazidi &
Technology and Society ( Hjorth, Eichler, Khan, John Morello)
The Art and Science of Java (Eric Roberts)
The Object of Data Abstraction and Structures (using Java) (David
Technical Calculus (Dale Ewen, Joan S. Gary & James E. Trefzger)
Technical Mathematics (Dale Ewen, Joan S. Gary & James E. Trefzger)
Technical Mathematics with Calculus (Dale Ewen, Joan S. Gary James E.
University Physics with Modern Physics, Hugh D. Young, Roger A.
Understanding Modern Economics (Roger LeRoy Miller)
Using Econometrics: A Practical Guide (A.H. Studenmund)
Understanding Fiber Optics (Jeff Hecht)
Understanding UNIX/LINUX Programming: A Guide to Theory and Practice
(Bruce Molay)
University Calculus (Joel D. Hass, Maurice D. Weir & George B. Thomas,
University Calculus: Alternate Edition (Joel D. Hass, Maurice D. Weir
& George B. Thomas, Jr.)
Unix: The Textbook (Syed Mansoor Sarwar, Robert Koretsky & Syed Aqeel
Understanding the Math You Teach: Content and Methods for
Prekindergarten through Grade 4 (Anita C. Burris)
Using and Understanding Mathematics: A Quantitative Reasoning
Approach, Bennett, Briggs)
Understanding Engineering Mathematics (Bill Cox)
Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics & Dynamics (Ferdinand P. Beer)
Visual Basic 2008 How to Program, (Harvey & Paul) Deitel
Visual Basic.Net Programming (Jeffrey Tsay)
VHDL: A Starter's Guide (Sudhakar Yalamanchili)
Vector Calculus (Susan J. Colley)
Virtual ChemLab: General Chemistry Student Lab Manual / Workbook,
v2.5. (Brian F. Woodfield & Matthew C. Asplund)
VLSI Test Principles and Architectures: Design for Testability (Chen,
Cheng, Eklow et al.)
Wireless Communications & Networks (William Stallings)
Work Systems: The Methods, Measurement & Management of Work (Mikell P.
World Trade and Payments: An Introduction (Richard E. Caves,Jeffrey A.
Frankel & Ronald W. Jones)
Wireless Communications: Principles and Practice, by Rappaport
Wireless Communications and Networking (Jon W. Mark, Weihua Zhuang)
Web 101 (Wendy G. Lehnert & Richard L. Kopec)
Web Development and Design Foundations with XHTML
Water and Wastewater Technology (Mark J. Hammer, Sr. & Mark J. Hammer,
Water-Resources Engineering (Chin)
XML: Language Mechanics and Applications (Dwight Peltzer)
10-Key Touch Key: Developing Speed and Accuracy (Burton)
results lead you here?! Try sending me email with the name and details
of the solutions manual you need and I may be able to help. Do not
reply here, instead send email to jhonrecard(at)gmail(dot)com.If the
solutions manual you are looking for is not listed here, do not give
up and send me email, I may be able to help!
Please note: It is NOT free to send you the solutions manual if it is
available .
Applied Fluid Mechanics (Mott)
Applied Strength of Materials (Mott)
Adaptive Filter Theory (Simon Haykin)
An Introduction to Database Systems (C.J. Date)
Applied Multivariate Statistical Analysis (Johnson & Wichern)
A First Course in Abstract Algebra (John B. Fraleigh)
Adaptive Control, by Astrom, Wittenmark
Advanced Modern Engineering Mathematics, by G. James
Aircraft Structures for Engineering Students (T.H.G. Megson)
Advanced calculus, by Gerald B. Folland
Antennas for All Applications (John Kraus & Ronald Marhefka)
An Introduction to the Finite Element Method (J. N. Reddy)
Advanced Fluid Mechanics (William Graebel)
A Transition to Advanced Mathematics, by Smith, Eggen, Andre
A First Course in Differential Equations, by Zill, Cullen
Applied Partial Differential Equations, by J. David Logan
Analytical Mechanics, by Fowels, Cassiday
Applied Calculus for the Managerial, Life, and Social Sciences, by Soo
T. Tan
Advanced Engineering Mathematics (Erwin Kreyszig)
Applied Numerical Methods with MATLAB for Engineers and Scientists
(Steven C. Chapra)
Analysis and Design of Analog Integrated Circuits, by Gray,Hurst,
Lewis, Meyer
Advanced Mathematical Concepts Precalculus with Applications by
Applied Statistics and Probability for Engineers (Douglas Montgomery &
George Runger)
Antenna theory, by Balanis
Automatic Control Systems, by Kuo, Golnaraghi
Accompany Futures, Options, and Swaps, Robert W. Kolb
Applied Partial Differential Equations (Haberman)
Analysis and Performance of Fiber Composites (Bhagwan Agarwal,
Lawrence Broutman & K. Chandrashekhara)
Applied Fluid Mechanics (Mott)
Applied Strength of Materials (Mott)
Adaptive Filter Theory (Simon Haykin)
An Introduction to Database Systems (C.J. Date)
Applied Multivariate Statistical Analysis (Johnson & Wichern)
A First Course in Abstract Algebra (John B. Fraleigh)
Adaptive Control, by Astrom, Wittenmark
Advanced Modern Engineering Mathematics, by G. James
Aircraft Structures for Engineering Students (T.H.G. Megson)
Advanced calculus, by Gerald B. Folland
Antennas for All Applications (John Kraus & Ronald Marhefka)
An Introduction to the Finite Element Method (J. N. Reddy)
Advanced Fluid Mechanics (William Graebel)
A Transition to Advanced Mathematics, by Smith, Eggen, Andre
A First Course in Differential Equations, by Zill, Cullen
Applied Partial Differential Equations, by J. David Logan
Analytical Mechanics, by Fowels, Cassiday
Applied Calculus for the Managerial, Life, and Social Sciences, by Soo
T. Tan
BTEC First Engineering Curriculum Support Pack (Mike Tooley)
Basic Engineering Circuit Analysis, by J. David Irwin, Nelms
Blueprint Reading for the Machine Trades (Schultz & Smith)
Building Java Programs: A Back to Basics Approach (Stuart Reges &
Martin Stepp)
Biostatistics for the Health Sciences (R. Clifford Blair & Richard
Biostatistics: How It Works (Steve Selvin)
Business Statistics: First Course (David M. Levine, Timothy C.
Krehbiel & Mark L. Berenson)
Business Statistics: Decision Making (Groebner)
Basic Business Statistics (Berenson, Krehbiel & Levine)
Beginning Algebra (John Jr Tobey & Jeffrey Slater)
Beginning Algebra: Early Graphing (Jamie Blair, John Tobey & Jeffrey
CMOS VLSI Design: A Circuits and Systems Perspective, Neil Weste,
David Harris
Calculus (Dale Varberg, Edwin Purcell & Steve Rigdon)
Calculus Early Transcendentals (Dale Varberg, Edwin Purcell & Steve
Calculus (Henry Edwards & David E. Penney)
Complex Variables with Applications (David A. Wunsch)
Corporate Finance (Jonathan Berk & Peter DeMarzo)
Cases in International Finance (Gunter Dufey & Ian H. Giddy)
Computer Networks, by Andrew S. Tanenbaum
C++ How to Program, by Harvey & Paul, Deitel & Associates
Communication Systems: An Introduction to Signals and Noise in
Electrical Communication, A. Bruce Carlson
Computational Techniques for Fluid Dynamics, by Srinivas, K. Fletcher.
Classical Dynamics of Particles and Systems, by Marion, Thornton
College Physics, by Serway, Faugh
Calculus, an Applied Approach, by Larson
Computational Techniques for Fluid Dynamics by Srinivas, Fletcher
Communication Systems (Simon Haykin)
Calculus, Single and Multivariable, by Hughes-Hallett,McCallum
Construction management, Halpin
Calculus - Early Transcendentals, by Anton, Bivens, Davis
Chemical, Biochemical, and Engineering Thermodynamics, Stanley I.
Control Systems Engineering, by Norman Nise
Computer Numerical Control: Operation and Programming (Stenerson &
Contemporary Electric Circuits: Insights and Analysis, Strangeway,
Petersen, okken
C++ Programming Today, (Barbara Johnston)
Concepts in Systems and Signals (John D. Sherrick)
Computer Organization and Architecture: Designing for Performance
(William Stallings)
Cryptography and Network Security (William Stallings)
Digital Design (M. Morris Mano & Michael D. Ciletti)
Digital & Analog Communication Systems (Leon W. Couch)
Digital Signal Processing (John G. Proakis, Dimitris K Manolakis)
Databases, Types and the Relational Model (C. J. Date & Hugh Darwen)
Discrete and Combinatorial Mathematics (Ralph P. Grimaldi)
Discrete Mathematics (John Dossey, Albert Otto, Spence & Charles
Vanden Eynden)
Differential Equations and Linear Algebra (Jerry Farlow, Hall, McDill
& West)
Differential Equations and Linear Algebra (C. Henry Edwards & David E.
Differential Equations with Boundary Value Problems (John Polking, Al
Boggess & Arnold)
Derivatives Markets (Robert L. McDonald)
Digital Communications: Fundamentals and Applications, Skylar
Digital Integrated Circuits, by Rabaey
Discrete Time Signal Processing, Oppenheim
Data and Computer Communications, by Stallings
Design of Machinery ( Norton)
Digital Communications, by Proakis
Engineering Mechanics - Statics & Dynamics (Anthony Bedford & Wallace
Engineering Mechanics: Statics & Dynamics (Hibbeler)
Electrical Engineering: Principles and Applications (Allan R. Hambley)
Electric Circuits (James W Nilsson & Susan Riedel)
Elements of Engineering Electromagnetics (Nannapaneni Narayana Rao)
Elementary Statistics Using the Graphing Calculator: For the TI-83/84
Plus (Mario F. Triola)
H. Rosen)
Elementary Differential Equations with Boundary Value Problems (Werner
E. Kohler & Lee W. Johnson)
Elementary Differential Equations Bound (Werner E. Kohler, Johnson)
Elementary Principles of Chemical Processes (Felder & Rousseau)
Economics: A Tool for Critically Understanding Society (Tom, Riddell,
Jean Shackelford, Steve C. Stamos & Geoffrey Schneider)
Economics Today, Roger LeRoy Miller
Economics, by Michael A. Leeds, Peter von Allmen, Richard C. Schiming
Economics: Private Markets and Public Choice, Ekelund, Jr., Ressler,
Economics, Michael Parkin
Environmental Economics and Policy (Tom Tietenberg)
Econometrics: A Modern Introduction (Michael P. Murray)
Engineering Materials: Properties and Selection (Budinski)
Electromagnetic Fields and Waves by Iskander
Electronics, by Allan R. Hambley
Essential Biology with Physiology, Neil A. Campbell, Jane B. Reece,
Eric J. Simon, Larry Mitchell
Essential Biology, Neil A. Campbell, Jane B. Reece, Eric J. Simon
Exploring Engineering: An Introduction for freshmen to Engineering and
to the Design Process (Philip Kosky, George Wise, Robert Balmer &
William Keat)
Engineering Materials Science, by Milton Ohring
Feedback Control of Dynamic Systems (Franklin, Powell & Emami-Naeini)
Foundations of MEMS (Chang Liu)
Fundamentals of Applied Electromagnetics (Fawwaz T. Ulaby)
First Course in Probability (Sheldon Ross)
Fundamentals of Multinational Finance (Michael H. Moffett, Arthur I.
Stonehill & David K. Eiteman)
Financial Markets and Institutions (Frederic S. Mishkin & Stanley G.
Fundamentals of Applied Electromagnetics, by Ulaby
Fundamentals of engineering thermodynamics, by David cheng
Field and Wave Electromagnetics, by David K. Cheng
Financial Reporting and Analysis, Lawrence Revsine
Fluid Mechanics (Kundu)
Flight Dynamics Principles (by Cook)
Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics of Turbomachinery (S.L. Dixon)
Fluid Mechanics (White)
Fundamentals of Structural Analysis, (Leet & Uang)
Fundamentals of Digital Logic with VHDL Design (Stephen Brown
Fundamentals of Digital Logic with Verilog Design (Stephen Brown,
Fundamentals of Aerodynamics (Anderson)
Fundamentals of Electric Circuits (Charles Alexander & Matthew Sadiku)
Fundamentals of Semiconductor Devices, by Anderson
Fluid Mechanics with Engineering Applications, by Finnemore
Gas Dynamics (John & Keith)
Geometry: An Investigative Approach (Phares G. O'Daffer & Stanley R.
Geology for Engineers and Environmental Scientists (Alan E. Kehew)
Health Economics (Charles E. Phelps)
Heat Transfer: A Practical Approach - by Cengel
How to Break Software Security (James A. Whittaker & Herbert H.
Hydrology and Floodplain Analysis (Philip Bedient, Wayne Huber &
Baxter Vieux)
Higher Engineering Mathematics (John Bird)
History of Mathematics: Brief Version (Victor J. Katz)
Introductory Mathematics (Cook)
International Economics (James Gerber)
International Economics (Steven Husted & Michael Melvin)
International Money and Finance (Michael Melvin)
Industrial Organization: Theory and Practice (Don E. Waldman &
Elizabeth J. Jensen)
Introduction to Econometrics, Brief Edition (James H. Stock & Mark W.
Introduction to Econometrics (James H. Stock & Mark W. Watson)
Introduction to Finance (Lawrence J. Gitman & Jeff Madura)
Introduction to Materials Science for Engineers (Shackelford)
Introduction to Graph Theory, by Douglas B. West
Introduction to Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics (Smith & Van Ness)
Introduction to Heat Transfer (Incropera, DeWitt)
Introduction to Electric Circuits, Dorf
Introduction to Solid State Physics, by Kittel
Introduction to Electrodynamics (David J. Griffiths)
Introduction to Quantum Mechanics (David J. Griffiths)
Introduction to Thermal Systems Engineering: Thermodynamics, Fluid
Mechanics, and Heat Transfer by Moran, Shapiro, Munson, DeWitt
Introduction to VLSI Circuits and Systems, by John P. Uyemura
Introduction to Fluid Mechanics (, Robert Fox, Alan McDonald & Philip)
Introduction to Statistical Quality Control (Douglas C. Montgomery)
Introduction to Mechanical Engineering (Rizza)
Introduction to Engineering Experimentation (Wheeler & Ganji)
Java: An Introduction to Problem Solving and Programming (Walter
Java: An Introduction to Computing (Joel Adams, Larry R. Nyhoff &
Jeffrey Nyhoff)
Java Foundations: Introduction to Program Design and Data Structures,
Lewis, DePasquale, Chase
Java Software Solutions: Foundations of Program Design (John Lewis &
William Loftus)
Java Software Structures: Designing and Using Data Structures (Lewis,
Job Hazard Analysis (James E. Roughton & Nathan Crutchfield)
Kernel Projects for Linux (Gary Nutt)
Linear Algebra with Applications (Bretscher)
Law and Economics (Robert Cooter & Thomas Ulen)
Linear Algebra, by Stephen H. Friedberg, Arnold J. Insel , Lawrence E.
Linear Algebra with Applications, by Otto Bretscher
Linear Circuit Analysis: Time Domain, Phasor and Laplace
Linear Systems and Signals, B P Lathi
LabVIEW 8 Student Edition (Bishop)
Logic and Design of Computer Programs (Jim Messinger)
Machine Design: An Integrated Approach (Norton)
Mechanics of Materials, by Russell C. Hibbeler
Modern Control Systems (Dorf)
Modern Wireless Communications (Simon Haykin, Michael Moher)
Mathematics for the Technical Trades (Cook)
Mathematical Statistics with Applications (Miller)
Macroeconomics, by Michael Leeds, Allmen, Schiming
Macroeconomics (Stephen D. Williamson)
Money, the Financial System, and the Economy (R. Glenn Hubbard)
Microeconomics: Theory and Applications with Calculus (Jeffrey M.
Modern Industrial Organization (Dennis W. Carlton & Jeffrey M.
Modern Labor Economics: Theory and Public Policy (Ronald G. Ehrenberg
& Robert S. Smith)
Market Regulation (Roger Sherman)
Mathematical Methods for Economics (Michael Klein)
Multinational Business Finance (David K. Eiteman, Arthur I. Stonehill
& Michael H. Moffett)
Mechanics of Materials: A Modern Integration of Mechanics and
Materials in Structural Design, Jenkins & Khanna)
Materials Selection in Mechanical Design (Michael Ashby)
Mechatronics: Principles and Applications (Godfrey Onwubolu)
Mechanics of Materials (Beer)
Microelectronic Circuit Design (Richard Jaeger & Travis Blalock)
Microelectronic Circuit Analysis and Design, by D. Neamen
Mechanical Engineering Design, by Mischke, Shigley
Mechanics of Fluids, Irving H. Shames
Microelectronics: Digital and Analog Circuits and Systems by Millman
Mechanics of Fluids (Massey)
MC68HC11: An Introduction: Software/Hardware Interf, by Huang
Modern Physics for Scientists and Engineers, by Stephen T. Thornton,
Andrew Rex, Andrew Rex
Mathematics for Physicists, by Susan Lea
Network Security Essentials: Applications and Standards (William
Numerical Methods Using Matlab (Mathews & Fink)
Network Flows: Theory, Algorithms, and Applications by Ravindra K.
Ahuja , Thomas L. Magnanti
Numerical Methods for Engineers (Steven C. Chapra)
Nanoengineering of Structural, Functional and Smart Materials, Mark J.
Schulz, Ajit D. Kelkar
Numerical Analysis (Timothy Sauer)
Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computation (Jeffery J. Leader)
Network Management: Principles and Practice (Mani Subramanian)
Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering, by Dunn, Constantinides &
Prabhas Moghe)
Operating System Concepts, Silberschatz, Galvin, Gagne
Objects First With Java: A Practical Introduction Using BlueJ (Barnes
& Kolling)
Object of Java, the: Introduction to Programming Using Software
Engineering Principles (David D. Riley)
Object-Oriented Programming in Java: A Graphical Approach, Preliminary
Ed.,Kathryn Sanders & Andy van Dam)
Oracle 10g Programming: A Primer (Rajshekhar Sunderraman)
Oracle 9i Programming: A Primer (Rajshekhar Sunderraman)
Operations Research: An Introduction (Taha)
Principles of Statics and Dynamics, by Russell C. Hibbeler
Probability and Statistics for Engineers (Johnson, Miller, Freund)
Partial Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems with
Fourier series (Asmar)
Precalculus: Graphical, Numerical, Algebraic (Franklin Demana, Bert K.
Waits, Gregory D. Foley & Daniel Kennedy)
Principles of Economics, Roy J. Ruffin, Paul R. Gregory
Principles of Money, Banking, and Financial Markets (Lawrence S.
Ritter, William L. Silber & Gregory F. Udell)
Public Finance and the American Economy (Neil Bruce)
Personal Finance with Financial Planning Software (Jeff Madura)
Principles of Managerial Finance Brief (Lawrence J. Gitman)
Principles of Managerial Finance, Lawrence J. Gitman)
Principles of Risk Management and Insurance (George E. Rejda)
Plastics: Materials and Processing (Strong)
Physics an Introduction, by James S. Walker
Probability and Statistical Inference (Hogg & Tanis)
Principles and Applications of Electrical Engineering (Rizzoni)
Probability Random Variables, and Stochastic Processes, by Papoulis,
Physics for Scientist and Engineers, by Serway
Power System Analysis and Design, by Glover, Sarma
Principles of Physics, by Serway
Quantum Mechanics: An Accessible Introduction (Robert Scherrer)
Quantum Physics, by Stephen Gasiorowicz
Quality (summers)
Quality Management (Goetsch & Davis)
Quality: A Corporate Force, Managing for Excellence (C. Harold Aikens)
Occupational Safety and Health for Technologists, Engineers, and
Managers (Goetsch)
Quantum Chemistry and Spectroscopy with Spartan Student Physical
Chemistry Software (Thomas Engel & Philip Reid)
Quantitive Reasoning & the Environment (Greg Langkamp & Joseph Hull)
Risk Takers: Uses and Abuses of Financial Derivatives (John
RF Circuit Design: Theory & Applications, by Bretchko, Ludwig
Reinforced Concrete Design (George F. Limbrunner & Abi Aghayere)
Reinforced Concrete: Mechanics and Design (James G. MacGregor & James
K. Wight)
Renewable Energy (Sørensen or Sorensen)
Statics and Mechanics of Materials, By Russell C. Hibbeler
Solid State Electronic Devices (Ben Streetman, Sanjay Banerjee)
Signals, Systems, and Transforms (Charles L. Phillips, John M. Parr &
Eve A. Riskin)
Semiconductor Device Fundamentals by Pierret
Signals and Systems, Oppenheim, Willsky, Hamid, Nawab
System Dynamics by Katsuhiko Ogata
Shigley's Mechanical Engineering Design (Budynas)
Semiconductor Physics and Devices (Donald A. Neamen)
Signal Processing and Linear Systems by Lathi
Statics and Mechanics of Materials: An Integrated Approach (Riley,
Sturges & Morris)
Signals and Systems (Simon Haykin & Barry Van Veen)
Semiconductor Devices: Physics and Technology (Simon M. Sze)
Separation Process Principles (Seader & Henley)
Statics and Strengths of Materials (Morrow & Kokernak)
Simply Java Programming: An Application-Driven™ Tutorial
SQL for SQL Server (Bijoy Bordoloi & Douglas B. Bock)
Simply Visual Basic 2008 (Harvey & Paul) Deitel
Simply Visual Basic .NET (Deitel & Nieto)
Science of Electronics, the: DC/AC (David M. Buchla, Thomas L. Floyd)
Science of Electronics, the: Digital (Thomas L. Floyd & David
The Economics of Macro Issues (Roger LeRoy Miller & Daniel K.
The Economics of Money, Banking and Financial Markets (Frederic S.
The Economics of Sports (Michael A. Leeds & Peter von Allmen)
Theory of Asset Pricing (George Pennacchi)
Thomas' Calculus: Multivariable, by Thomas, Weir, Hass, Giordano
Thermodynamics: An Engineering Approach (Cengel)
The Science and Engineering of Materials, by Donald R.Askeland,
Pradeep P. Phule
Thermal Physics (Ralph Baierlein)
Theory and Design for Mechanical Measurements (Figliola & Beasley)
Transport Phenomena (Bird & Stewart)
The Economics of Public Issues (Roger LeRoy Miller, Daniel K. Benjamin
& Douglass C. North)
The 8051 Microcontroller (I. Scott MacKenzie, Raphael Chung-Wei Phan)
The 8051 Microcontroller and Embedded Systems (Mazidi, Mazidi &
Technology and Society ( Hjorth, Eichler, Khan, John Morello)
The Art and Science of Java (Eric Roberts)
The Object of Data Abstraction and Structures (using Java) (David
Technical Calculus (Dale Ewen, Joan S. Gary & James E. Trefzger)
Technical Mathematics (Dale Ewen, Joan S. Gary & James E. Trefzger)
Technical Mathematics with Calculus (Dale Ewen, Joan S. Gary James E.
University Physics with Modern Physics, Hugh D. Young, Roger A.
Understanding Modern Economics (Roger LeRoy Miller)
Using Econometrics: A Practical Guide (A.H. Studenmund)
Understanding Fiber Optics (Jeff Hecht)
Understanding UNIX/LINUX Programming: A Guide to Theory and Practice
(Bruce Molay)
University Calculus (Joel D. Hass, Maurice D. Weir & George B. Thomas,
University Calculus: Alternate Edition (Joel D. Hass, Maurice D. Weir
& George B. Thomas, Jr.)
Unix: The Textbook (Syed Mansoor Sarwar, Robert Koretsky & Syed Aqeel
Understanding the Math You Teach: Content and Methods for
Prekindergarten through Grade 4 (Anita C. Burris)
Using and Understanding Mathematics: A Quantitative Reasoning
Approach, Bennett, Briggs)
Understanding Engineering Mathematics (Bill Cox)
Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics & Dynamics (Ferdinand P. Beer)
Visual Basic 2008 How to Program, (Harvey & Paul) Deitel
Visual Basic.Net Programming (Jeffrey Tsay)
VHDL: A Starter's Guide (Sudhakar Yalamanchili)
Vector Calculus (Susan J. Colley)
Virtual ChemLab: General Chemistry Student Lab Manual / Workbook,
v2.5. (Brian F. Woodfield & Matthew C. Asplund)
VLSI Test Principles and Architectures: Design for Testability (Chen,
Cheng, Eklow et al.)
Wireless Communications & Networks (William Stallings)
Work Systems: The Methods, Measurement & Management of Work (Mikell P.
World Trade and Payments: An Introduction (Richard E. Caves,Jeffrey A.
Frankel & Ronald W. Jones)
Wireless Communications: Principles and Practice, by Rappaport
Wireless Communications and Networking (Jon W. Mark, Weihua Zhuang)
Web 101 (Wendy G. Lehnert & Richard L. Kopec)
Web Development and Design Foundations with XHTML
Water and Wastewater Technology (Mark J. Hammer, Sr. & Mark J. Hammer,
Water-Resources Engineering (Chin)
XML: Language Mechanics and Applications (Dwight Peltzer)
10-Key Touch Key: Developing Speed and Accuracy (Burton)