2014-08-11 06:22:47 UTC
ANSYS is expensive alright. We use a lot of those engineering software in my old company. We have expensive programs like Matlab, Solidworks and Catia. But we were able to cut back on the license cost by using software asset management tools. My former colleague uses Open iT ( http://www.openit.com )for monitoring license usage.He's an IT guy there, he's mainly using it for reporting and facilitating IT chargeback. He's also using it for negotiating pay-per-use agreement with the software vendors. They say the software also has license harvesting feature. I'm not sure if they have a free program, but i think they have free demo. Anyways the good thing about it is that, it works even without the license manager. Haven't tried it yet, but i maybe evaluating the Open iT software soon. Will let you know if it works for me.